Here’s Why Your Drain Smells

Though you’d love to blame the family pet, that constant smell leaking from your kitchen or bathroom is probably one that shouldn’t be ignored. Depending on the location and smell, it could be a quick and easy fix. So if you’ve been noticing a particularly odd odor coming from your drains, here’s what could be the source:  Dry P-Trap Does …

3 Places To Put A Mini-Split

Sometimes, no matter how much you try, finding an even temp in your home seems like it’s never going to happen. Luckily, one affordable options can make this wish a reality. One of those being with the purchase of a ductless mini-split AC. These systems can easily be installed, without added ductwork and can help cool a small room with …

Ways To Celebrate Earth Day Around The Home.

Today is the day where we all start thinking a little more eco-friendly. We often become a bit more energy conscious and more aware of how we are treating the environment, but why not do it every day? Starting today, we challenge you to these eco-friendly home tips, so you can stop wasting energy and water, and begin conserving, today …

When Should I Service My HVAC?

When Should I Service My HVAC? When is the best time to call in a professional for your HVAC? It can be a tough call, especially if you are tight on cash or only use your system sparingly throughout the year. Whether you rely on your heating and air conditioner all the time or just for a few months, you should …

What Your Lawn Could Be Saying About Your Plumbing

We like to think of our homes as never needing help or repair. The truth is, we live in them all the time and occasionally they need our help to keep providing us with shelter and protection. One of the home systems that needs routine maintenance and repair is the plumbing system; in particular the drainage system. The drainage and sewer …

Avoid These 3 Foolish HVAC Mistakes

Today is the day to fool, not be the fooler! And with Spring officially here, and summer coming right around the corner, we wanted to remind you of all the silly and somewhat foolish HVAC mistakes we’ve seen far too often. So to not spend the spring making a ton of foolish mistakes, here’s what to avoid: 1. Keeping An …

Heating Your Home For Less

Winter poses plenty of problems for business and homeowners alike, and heating is often at the top of everyone’s priorities. While you want to stay toasty and warm, no one wants to face the extra dollars tacked on to the utility bill each month. Central heating is a wonderful convenience, but using it too much can add up. So what …

The Importance Of Protecting Your Pipes

The cold nights are getting less and less, but the need to care for your pipes is a year-round thing. In order to ensure you are waking up to a unnecessary pipe burst, here’s a few things you should keep in mind for the remainder of winter:  Improve Air Circulation Around Indoor Pipes  As the temperature drops at night, you’ll …

How Hard Water Can Worsen Dry Winter Skin

The cold temperatures that winter brings often leave people with dry, flaky skin. To combat the harsh climate outdoors, many people escape to the hot, steamy reprieve of a shower in hopes of rehydrating their skin. Unfortunately, your home might be making matters worse if you have hard water.  Heavy concentrations of minerals in your water can damage everything from …